
Fly Local Pledge

Strengthen our Community's air travel network

Take the Fly Local Pledge

By taking the Fly Local pledge, your business demonstrates its commitment to our local airport and strengthens our community's connection to the world. This pledge signifies to airlines the strong local demand for their services, while being completely free for your business. 

  • New Routes and Airlines: Increased passenger traffic can incentivize airlines to offer new destinations and carriers, expanding travel options for everyone.
  • Cheaper Fares: More competition among airlines often leads to lower fares for travelers, making it more affordable for everyone in our community to enjoy the convenience of our local airport.
  • Free to Participate: The Fly Local pledge is completely free for your organization to join.
  • Increased Visibility: Showcase your community spirit by having your company logo displayed on our "Take the Pledge" wall at the airport.

Every Commitment Counts: Even if your business travels infrequently, your participation strengthens our collective voice and demonstrates the community's commitment to our airport.

Together, we can build a stronger and more vibrant air travel network for our community.

sign the pledge below & join 125+ pledged local businesses!


For more information, please contact Marketing Manager Lacey Guzman at 361-826-1920 or